Monitor Cap Kit
Here you will find lists of electrolytic capacitors found on various arcade
monitor chassis models. Lists are grouped by manufacturer and are
thought to be 100% accurate. Some models may have a version that has a
few differences, and they are included here when known. If you have a
correction to a current listing, information on a new version of a listed
model, or a list that is not currently posted here, please contact me with
that info. While some of this info is currently posted on various
sites, not all of it is accurate or complete, and many of the models listed
here are not listed elsewhere (other than a forum post perhaps).
NOTE: The values listed on the following pages may not match what you
find on your chassis. Many of the listings were made from actual cap
readings, while others were made based off of order sheets from various
suppliers. Some of these suppliers include "upgrade" values based off
of manufacturer service bulletins issued after the manuals or schematics
were printed. If you have any question on a value, please consult the
manual or schematic for verification before using a different value.
Voltage values may be increased from the original size, but the microfarad
value must be the same, unless confirmed as an "upgrade". If you need
further help, post a question on a
monitor support forum.
See the Monitor Parts Suppliers list for places to order caps.
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